Tag: therapy

Post-Surgical Physical Therapy

Post-Surgical Physical Therapy addresses pain, stiffness, balance, and mobility issues caused by surgery. While prescription pain medications merely mask the symptoms, PT tackles the problem directly with massage, heat, and electrical stimulation. Whether you’re recovering from knee replacement surgery or a broken arm, a physical therapist from https://saunders-therapy.com/ can help you regain strength and mobility. Here are some of the many benefits you can expect:

Increased Flexibility and Mobility

PostSurgical Physical Therapy

Anyone who has ever had surgery, or even been diagnosed with a medical condition that will require surgery, knows how difficult it can be to move around without pain and limitations. Often the first thing you’ll be instructed to do after your surgical procedure is to go through physical therapy. It’s the best way to regain your strength, mobility, and flexibility after your surgery or injury.

In fact, your physical therapist may start working with you before surgery, known as pre-hab, to prepare your body for the surgery and speed up your recovery. They’ll design a program of exercises that are safe and appropriate for your specific needs. They might even instruct you to do them at home on your own before the operation.

The main goal of PT is to get you moving again in the most effective and safe manner possible. A lack of movement can lead to stiffness and a higher chance of developing complications at the site of the surgery. It can also increase your risk of blood clots from extended bed rest.

Movement also improves circulation and aides healing. This is because the movements promote healthy blood flow, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the surgical area and removes fluid buildup that can compress nerves. The increased blood flow also reduces inflammation.

A physical therapist can also teach you how to use heat and ice treatments on your surgical area, which can further help with pain management. This helps soften the scar tissue that forms after any type of surgery, improving flexibility and lowering the pain levels.

Another way physical therapy improves flexibility is by strengthening and stretching the muscles in your body. They can do this through massages, hands-on therapy, and by doing certain exercises that strengthen muscle function, enhance balance and stability, and lower the risk of falling (which is a common problem following surgeries like joint replacements).

It’s important to remember that although it may feel painful at times during your rehabilitation process, the pain you experience is normal. You should always take your prescription medications as prescribed, and let your physical therapist know if you are experiencing excessive pain or discomfort so they can adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

Strengthened Muscles

Most surgical procedures result in some level of pain, stiffness and swelling. Physical therapy can help patients manage these symptoms and regain their strength to return to their daily activities sooner.

In addition to helping to ease discomfort, physical therapy can strengthen the muscles around the surgical site. Physical therapists are trained to understand the type of exercise each muscle, tendon or ligament needs to heal properly. Their strategic exercises can also improve balance and stability, which reduces the risk of further injury to surgical patients, particularly in joints such as knees or hips.

The therapists may use electrical stimulation, which sends mild electric impulses to the affected area of the body to stimulate blood flow and make your muscles contract more efficiently. This helps with pain, reduces the inflammation caused by excess fluid and allows the afflicted tissues to stretch and move more easily. In fact, some orthopedic surgeons are beginning to refer their patients to a physical therapist for a short course of rehabilitation before surgery. The therapists can help decrease the swelling, increase the range of movement of the knee and even strengthen the thigh muscles (quadriceps). Research has shown that this presurgical rehab leads to better results post-surgery.

Inactivity after surgery can lead to secondary issues including infections, contractures and blood clots. Physical therapy can help to keep muscles limber and reduce the risk of complications by using techniques like stretching, myofascial release and manual manipulation.

Many people are hesitant to start moving and exercising after surgery. However, it is important to follow your physical therapist’s instructions and to stick with your treatment plan so that you can recover more quickly.

In addition, physical therapy can help to decrease the need for prescription pain killers by teaching patients safe and effective self-care methods that are natural and non-invasive. The therapists can teach you how to use heat and ice packs to reduce pain and swelling, as well as show you how to perform specific mobility and stability exercises at home. With proper care, you can recover from your surgery and get back to living your life in no time!

Reduced Need for Prescription Pain Medicines

Pain is a normal part of recovery from surgery, and physical therapy helps manage it so patients can heal faster. This reduces the chances of post-surgical complications, like infections, blood clots, muscle weakness, decreased function, and excessive scar tissue. It also reduces the need for prescription pain medicines, including opioids. With the opioid epidemic sweeping the country, avoiding opioids as much as possible is critical to staying healthy and lowering your risk of addiction.

Physical therapists are movement experts who can identify and treat the underlying musculoskeletal problems that cause pain. Using techniques, treatment modalities and exercises that are designed to reduce pain, they can eliminate the need for opioid painkillers. These medications mask the symptoms rather than treating the underlying issue, and they can cause serious health risks, such as respiratory depression, heart attacks and even death.

Post-surgery, your physical therapist will teach you how to move and perform daily activities while protecting the surgical site from overuse. They will also help you to learn adaptive tools, such as walkers or canes, if necessary. This can greatly reduce the amount of time you spend in a wheelchair, walker or bed, which lowers the risk of further damage to the surgical site and increases your range of motion and strength.

The benefits of post-surgical physical therapy are widely recognized, and they have been shown to improve a patient’s quality of life and speed up the rate at which they recover from surgery. It is a great option for managing pain levels and helps many patients avoid opioid medication, especially in the short term after surgery.

Some patients are able to return home after surgery without needing any further hospitalization or nursing care. This is because a physical therapy program, initiated shortly after the initial hospital stay, has been shown to significantly reduce the length of hospital stays and 30-day readmission rates compared to patients who received only in-patient nursing care.

Pre-surgical physical therapy is also an important component of postoperative rehabilitation because it reduces the need for pain medication and improves a patient’s ability to function independently following surgery. It has been reported that physical therapy can significantly decrease a patient’s level of pain, reduce inflammation and edema, improve range of motion, strength and flexibility, and increase functional independence.

Restored Function

Patients are often concerned about a lack of physical function after surgery. The good news is that post-surgical physical therapy can help regain that function. After a thorough evaluation by the therapist, short and long-term goals will be established. These can include anything from returning to normal daily activities to preventing a future injury or surgery.

In addition to strengthening and improving the way you move the surgical site, physical therapy includes other techniques designed to promote healing, reduce pain, and improve flexibility. For example, using heat or cold to reduce swelling and improve blood flow can minimize discomfort and promote faster recovery. In addition, physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural chemicals that can provide pain relief without the side effects of opioids.

Physical therapists also teach you how to perform basic daily tasks, like bathing, dressing, and taking care of yourself. They can also show you how to safely use assistive devices such as crutches or a walker. They may also advise you on how to manage your health through diet and lifestyle changes.

Another important benefit of post-surgical physical therapy is to decrease the risk of respiratory and vascular problems. When you stay in bed after surgery, you lose muscle strength and your blood circulation can decrease, increasing the likelihood of developing a dangerous blood clot. A supervised physical therapy program can keep you active, prevent complications, and increase your overall quality of life.

It can take weeks, months, or even up to a year for the surgery recovery process to be complete. However, if you are committed to your rehabilitation and follow the advice given by your doctor and physical therapist, you can speed up your recovery and return to a normal life with minimal to no disability.

Anyone who has had surgery to correct a chronic problem can benefit from post-surgical physical therapy. If you are unsure of whether this therapy is right for you, ask your doctor or contact us here at SoCal Elite Physical Therapy. Our team of experienced physical therapists can assess your needs, recommend the best course of treatment, and create an individualized treatment plan.
