Category: Dermatology

What Do Dermatologists Do?

Dermatologists care for the skin, hair, and nails. Their expertise ranges from addressing acne to diagnosing and treating skin cancers through routine screenings.


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Your doctor can diagnose dermatitis by looking at your skin and asking questions. Your doctor will ask where your rash is, what it feels like and when it started and got worse. They will also ask about your family’s health and history of other skin conditions, such as eczema, asthma or hay fever.

Your dermatologist will likely recommend a few tests to check for allergies that can cause some types of dermatitis. This includes a skin prick test, blood test or patch testing (when small amounts of different substances are put on your skin for several days) to see what you might be allergic to. This can help your doctor decide what treatment might be best for you.

Depending on what type of dermatitis you have, your doctor will recommend the right medications or treatment plan for you. For example, a dermatologist might recommend emollients (creams, ointments or oils that moisturise the skin), which can help to keep the skin moisturised and prevent it from becoming dry and scaly. They might also prescribe a mild corticosteroid cream or ointment to reduce inflammation and relieve itching.

If you have irritant contact dermatitis, your dermatologist might recommend avoiding any things that trigger it, such as soaps or detergents, cigarette smoke, wool clothing or long hot showers. They might also advise wearing protective clothing at work if you are exposed to an irritant that could cause it.

You might also be prescribed a topical steroid to control your symptoms or an oral medication to take regularly, such as cyclosporine, azathioprine or methotrexate. In severe cases, your doctor might have to perform a skin biopsy and remove a small piece of the affected skin for examination in the lab.

People of all races and ages can get dermatitis, but it is more common in children and adults who have a family history of atopic dermatitis (eczema) or other autoimmune diseases. It can also affect people of different sexes, but it is more common in women than men. People of black ethnicity have a higher incidence of dermatitis, but this may be due to a lack of access to healthcare, as well as underlying factors such as poor diet, stress and social pressures to use tanning beds or sunlamps.


Dermatologists have the training and knowledge to diagnose and treat a wide range of skin, hair, nail conditions and diseases in patients of all ages. This includes identifying and treating the symptoms of more than 3,000 different diseases of the skin, hair, nails and mucosal areas of the mouth, nose and eyes. Dermatologists also perform cosmetic procedures to improve appearance.

To determine whether you have dermatitis, your dermatologist will take a close look at the affected area, checking for classic symptoms like redness, itching, scales and dryness. They may ask you questions about your past health and any other symptoms or problems you have been having. For example, they will ask whether you have been exposed to any substances that might have irritated the area.

They will also check to see if the condition is caused by an allergy or if it has been triggered by something else. They will then decide the best treatment options, which may include prescription medication, topical creams, ointments and/or skin injections.

If necessary, your dermatologist will perform skin surgery to remove tumors or cysts or for cosmetic reasons. They will also perform biopsies — the removal of a small sample of the skin for examination under a microscope. They may also perform Mohs surgery, a procedure that involves the layer-by-layer removal of cancerous tissue until only healthy cells remain.

Dermatologists usually work as solo practitioners, although they are often assisted by clerical and nursing staff. They work in well-lit and air-conditioned offices and spend some time at a hospital to perform surgical procedures or to monitor patients undergoing other medical treatments. Because of their specialized knowledge, dermatologists have the ability to save lives by diagnosing a potentially deadly skin cancer at its earliest stages or by relieving a patient’s life-disrupting itching from a chronic disease like eczema. They are also able to give patients the confidence they need to get back to their normal lives and live their dreams. The field of dermatology is constantly evolving to meet the needs of society’s changing health care challenges. For example, new drugs can cause unusual side effects; and increased leisure time and outdoor work has boosted the amount of sun damage and aging that many people experience.


Dermatologists treat conditions that affect the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes. They can recognize symptoms that indicate serious underlying health issues and help patients get the treatment they need.

While a dermatologist can diagnose and treat a variety of conditions, there are some things you can do to help prevent them. A dermatologist can give you a list of things to avoid to keep your skin healthy, including certain foods, such as peanuts, dairy products and eggs, and irritants, such as harsh cleaning detergents, rough wool clothing and stress. He or she may also recommend a specific skin care regimen, which may include avoiding harsh soaps, moisturizers and using sunscreen.

It is important to tell your dermatologist about any allergies you have. If you have a food allergy, such as dermatitis herpetiformis (an allergic reaction to gluten), your dermatologist can recommend a diet plan and possibly refer you to a dietitian for further assistance.

Keeping a symptom diary is helpful, too. This can help you remember what causes flare-ups and identify any triggers. A symptom diary will record events, such as the day and time of the event, how long it lasted, its severity and what you did to end the episode. It will also help you keep track of medications and treatments.

You can also take steps to protect your skin, such as wearing gloves when working with substances that can irritate it. Your doctor can suggest other ways to minimise contact with irritants, such as using emollients or moisturisers, and wearing clothing that is soft and loose, rather than tight. It is a good idea to use an emollient after bathing or showering to help lock in moisture.

You can also help yourself by bringing a notebook and pen to your appointment, as the dermatologist may explain complex concepts in simple language or use unfamiliar terms that you will need to look up later. A friend or family member can also be helpful, as they can take notes and be another set of eyes for you at the appointment.


Dermatologists treat many cosmetic issues, including acne scars, enlarged noses from rosacea, sun-damaged skin and vitiligo. Some patients even request procedures like laser hair removal, chemical peels and microdermabrasion to enhance the beauty of their skin. They may also use cosmetic injections such as botox and fillers to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

While cosmetic concerns do make up part of a dermatologist’s job, they have a crucial role in diagnosing and treating life-threatening conditions that begin in the skin. If a patient is concerned about an age spot or mole that appears to be growing or changing shape, for example, a dermatologist can perform tests to determine whether it’s cancerous or not. Then the dermatologist can recommend the best treatment option, which might involve surgery or medication.

A dermatologist’s extensive education and training give them the unique ability to identify unusual and sometimes dangerous skin lesions that might go unnoticed by physicians with less specialized knowledge. This can be important for early diagnosis of conditions like melanoma, generalized pustular psoriasis and other potentially life-threatening disorders.

The dermatologist’s specialized knowledge allows them to provide treatments that preserve the function and appearance of healthy body areas while providing superior cosmetic results. This can be particularly useful in removing precancerous lesions such as squamous cell carcinoma or keratosis pilaris, or to help restore blemished skin that’s been damaged by radiation therapy or by severe burns.

Dermatologists also regularly consult with other specialists to manage complex and multifactorial diseases that affect the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes. The WDS’s survey indicates that 85% of dermatologists work with physicians in other specialties at least occasionally. This collaborative approach ensures that the right team is addressing each patient’s individual needs and can prevent complications that might occur if different disciplines don’t communicate effectively. In addition, it can save valuable time and resources by avoiding unnecessary procedures that might have been prescribed by a physician with less knowledge of a particular condition. Those savings can be substantial.
